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Wonderfully Well Workforces

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Care is our Calling

Bring Wonderfully Well® to your Care-Giving Workforce.

What's the Word on Wonderfully Well®?

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Wellness is Health, but Health is not just Physical

Stress, burnout and compassion fatigue of caring professionals should be of immediate concern to Believer Leaders in every care-giving industry where “the personal touch” makes a difference.  Technology is great, but it does not resonate with CARE. Ultimately, care can only be shown by people. Stress leads to productivity losses, increased administrative cost, reduced quality of care, high staff turnover, and poor work engagement. In care-giving industries, some of what we know is:

Healthcare - Nurses/Physicians

Critical Care physicians and nurses report the highest rates of burnout and fatigue among medical professionals.

Customer Care - Business Professionals

Mid-pandemic, a MetLife study showed 52% of employees are concerned about their financial wellness.

Pastoral Care - Ministry Leaders

In a 2021 study, Barna research revealed 65% of leaders in full-time ministry graded their well-being as average or unhealthy.

Long Term Care - Professional Caregivers

According to research, 1 in 2 direct care workers leaves their jobs in 12 months.

Create Wonderfully Well® work practices, today.

What Does Wonderfully Well® Offer the Care-giving Workforce?

Wellness interventions to support small businesses with Wonderfully Well®solutions.

Benefits include:

  • Employees who exercise, eat healthy, quit smoking and choose other healthy lifestyle choices spend 33-50% LESS on healthcare costs.

  • Wellness programs can serve as recruitment and retention strategies when compensation is low and benefits are minimal.

  • Investing in employee health and well-being has been shown to reduce workplace injury rates, and worker compensation’s claims.

Are you ready to create a culture of wellness in your business?