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My Compass?

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Wonderfully Well® is a wellness intervention company offering scientific evidenced-based wellness management tools and support from a Biblical perspective inspiring BELIEVER LEADERS in HealthCARE, Ministerial CARE, and Customer CARE to experience optimal health as they offer Christ’s CARE everywhere.


Wonderfully Well® witnesses leading Wonderfully Well® workforces


Help believer leaders become Wonderfully Well® as they seek to build and lead Wonderfully Well® workforces

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Dr. Felicia Vaughn - Founder & CCCO (Chief Care & Change Officer)

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well. - Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

Whether you’re a woman experiencing challenges during postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, postmenopause or you’re a man experiencing health challenges as you approach midlife, have you ever wondered what God’s blessed health plan is for His children? Do you know what you need to do to prepare for your “crossing over” into the Promised Land…your greater latter days no matter what your age?

Many Believers tend to suffer in silence because we think we can pray everything away; however, we need to learn to pray on our knees and pray with our feet (ACTION). We can stay in a perpetual wilderness without any forward movement. However, God promises to make a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), but it’s important to know the way of escape. Let me be your guide on this side of your health journey! It is okay to ask for help. As you age, during any life stage, allow me to be your travel guide by bringing my God-given gifts to help you discover how to take care of your body, soul, and spirit through self-care (body), soul-care (emotions) and spirit-care (peace with life) on your way to becoming Wonderfully Well®.

Brave leaders do good work; however life can cause any strong and courageous man or woman of faith to feel like giving up. It is my hope to walk alongside you during your approach to your Promised Land, so that you can do the good work of giving grace, which is giving care, while becoming Wonderfully Well®. So, what does Wonderfully Well® mean? Glad you asked!

Wonderfully Well® - a carefree condition attained through Wonderfully Well® ways resulting in being strong in mind, will and emotions (soul); energized in body (self); and a courageous champion of CARE as a witness for Christ (spirit) everywhere.

This condition can help you age gracefully. Don’t you want to discover who you are Wonderfully Well®? Check out my services and act today! Click the button below.

Who Does Wonderfully Well® Serve?

Believer Leaders: God’s people in leadership roles who have a heart to use their gifts to fulfill God’s Kingdom plan on earth, but need help when their bodies & minds are changing as they still seek to care and walk by faith. While you’re working during your own crisis, you’re staff is experiencing changes in their lives.

***We encourage you to try our packages FIRST to see if our wellness services work for you before introducing them to your workforce.***

  • Entrepreneurial Leaders: Believers who run businesses while caring for their families and/or communities.

For Kingdom citizens called to leadership and stepping into new seasons of life, while finding themselves caring for their families/communities, and juggling the needs of a new and/or growing business. So many responsibilities make it a struggle to focus on your personal needs. You’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched too thin!

You sense it’s time to ‘take care’ of you. Call Wonderfully Well® today!

  • Worship Leaders: A person who leads a church or any form of ministry.

For worship leaders, selflessly, shepherding and ministering to God’s people in an ever-changing world as you struggle to, also, maintain a balance between ministerial obligations and family commitments. Your cup is empty! 

You sense it’s time to show yourself some care and compassion to be effective in your calling. Call Wonderfully Well® today! 

  • Workplace Leaders: A person who leads and manages a team of employees.

For those overwhelmed by the stress of managing people, projects and profits in an ever-evolving work world while being committed to the success of their corporation, department, team, committee, clients, customers and community. You’re exhausted!

You recognize it's time to exercise the care required for you to focus on your health and wellness. Call Wonderfully Well® today!