Do your self-care, but don't neglect your soul-care. Listen to this poem to learn more about what soul-care entails. Your soul is important to your overall health and well-being.
If you want the Lord to not just order your steps with your feet (Proverbs 16:9), but to also do so with how you this link.
Let us help you keep stepping while moving your thoughts in the right forward direction. This will help you have healthy emotions and become Wonderfully Well®. This is SOUL-CARE.🦋✝️
If you want the Lord to not just order your steps with your feet (Proverbs 16:9), but to also do so with how you this link.
Let us help you keep stepping while moving your thoughts in the right forward direction. This will help you have healthy emotions and become Wonderfully Well®. This is SOUL-CARE.🦋✝️
Kingdom Business is all about LOVE. Being well has a lot to do with the well-doing of loving while leading and living.
Learn more about our health and wellness coaching packages at Wonderfully Well®.🦋✝️
Healthy relationships are part of the good work every Believer has been called to NOT grow weary in well-doing (Galations 6:9). What do you think LOVE has to say about the state of your relationship?
Learn more about our health and wellness coaching packages at Wonderfully Well®.🦋✝️
Do your self-care, but don’t neglect your soul-care in and through prayer.
Learn more about our health and wellness coaching services at Wonderfully Well®.🦋✝️
Are you giving God your best? Do you struggle to give Him your best? If so, no shame and no blame.
If so, you just may need some help. Sometimes that's all we need is a little help. As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach that is a strong Believer, I'm here if you need me. I'm here to help our Very Present Help help you to give Him your best.
Learn more about the health and wellness coaching services at Wonderfully Well®. You don't have to do life alone.🦋✝️
In observance of October being recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to encourage women to seek out ways to get a mammogram with or without health insurance. Where there is a will there is a way to do the Wonderfully Well® work of preventative care. This video was recorded during the pandemic, and it was made to encourage women to be mindful that Covid-19 doesn’t take time off, and neither does cancer.
Many people today are afraid to watch the news for good reasons. This simple activity evokes fear and anxiety. As God’s Helper, Dr. Vaughn discusses a different perspective that allows her to stay informed and watch while she simultaneously guards her heart.
Darker skin pigmentation makes it more difficult to synthesize Vitamin D from the sun. Nearly 82% of Black people and 69% of Hispanic people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, according to the Endocrine Society. Listen to my story to overcome my Vitamin D deficiency.
Research has shown that sedentary workers have a 13% increase cancer risk, have more than twice the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and twice the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in a 2015 Washington Post article.
Prioritizing people over your principles, plans and profits maximizes your chances of creating Wonderfully Well spaces at work and at home.
Dancing my way to my biopsy kept me in an emotionally safe place that day. I thank God I was okay!
A message for all caring leaders that truly have a heart to care for their customers, clients, coworkers and community.